Dysfunction's grip can destroy unity, trust and cohesion; and if we maintain a doom and gloom outlook, we will never see the beautiful colors that run throughout life. People, special moments and tender memories are colorful gifts that bring an array joy and peace into our lives, but we fail to see these majestic blend of colorful petals and continue to cling to our bad thoughts, hateful emotions and hurts from the past, but we need to heal the past to make the present better for a colorful future.

Take classes where positive interests will bloom. Perhaps you have hidden talents yet to be discovered, but you will find an inner peace and joy by putting paint to a brush and stroking a canvass that will release the colors you hide within. Work out negative feelings in a gym so you don't pump up your internal mindset that leads to unproductive thoughts and opinions towards others. Associate yourself with people who find the positive in life and create joy so you can laugh more than grumble about are life or circumstances, and pass that way of life down to your children, or share it with your parents and grandparents. Family hurts can bloom into beauty when we lay down our hurts and resentments, and don't put expectations on anyone but ourselves to have a positive outlook and attitude.
Flowers are a metaphor for the fragrant lifestyle that can be yours if you take the time to weed your garden, (garden is a metaphor for life) from the dysfunction that's preventing you from living, loving and laughing throughout your life. We can't control people or hurtful events that hamper our lives, but we can change our outlook and whom we allow to control our hearts, minds and lives.
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