Do you receive emails that are forwarded that contain funny videos, poems or cartoons and think them stupid, a waste of time or something that infringes on your outlook on life or belief system?
Perhaps you open the forwarded emails based on whom sent them to you or the subject regarding the forward captured your interest.
Technology has created a Pandora's box of communication nuances; from texting to emails, Facebook to Linkedin and IPhones to the antiquated rotary dials. . .communication options are endless. And bonding happens between strangers globally as we can play poker via cyber space, read blogs, conduct business and even date or find that perfect soul mate.
It's those forwarded emails that seem to trigger emotions in people. . .and we see a side of our friends, family or those we don't even in a positive light, or they become assertive, aggressive or downright hostile about receiving forwarded emails. One might hit 'reply all' and vent their opinions or opposition, which is most revealing of temperaments often hidden through the technical forum of communication.
It's easy to hide behind the facade of communication through technology; we can either ignore these forwarded emails altogether, email a comment that's not received for what it's meant. . .no matter how many smiley faces are adhered, or drone on about our own agendas to an emailed audience that can simply click away your diatribes.
So how do we live, love, laugh our way through a cyber sea of emails requesting to be forwarded when the contained sentiments either strike a fancy or discord? Perhaps we need to implement a protocol of live, love, laugh. Relationship is the core of life, and email can unite or divide people. We can chose to ignore, we certainly don't have to forward those group emails, or we can take a moment to send a statement of 'hope you're doing well,' 'thanks for sending,' or comments that keep you grounded in a relationship with the sender, even if the content forwarded isn't of interest, however, you feel it's in your best interest to maintain a relationship with the sender.
If you're irked by an email, and hit 'reply all' to vent your feelings, it just might reveal a temperament within you that might be best left unstated. You're making comments to strangers that might take what you're writing and the tone of your words in a way you didn't intend. It also might cut off a relationship with the sender that you don't want severed.
Whatever your thoughts are on forwarded emails, and there are plenty going around this political season, take a moment to think about the sender. Keep your relationship alive and intact by simply communicating towards the best interests of the relationship; and if something is fun, interesting, amusing or helps others. . .and you want to forward it, select receivers who will take the forwarded email in the best of interest. . .after all. . .life is too short not to live, love and laugh. . .and it's nothing short of a miracle that we can instantly share sentiments that are received worldwide. Those emails can unite us in prayer, unite us for a cause, solicit help or simply give a lift to the day so together we can love, love and laugh.
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