Tis the magical season of holiday cheer, and regardless if we're lighting the tree or the Menorah, it's a time for all mankind to celebrate the love of family and friends, as we share in the laughter and moments of miraculous light from the very hand of God who gifted us, this special season, with his redeeming love, grace, mercy and everlasting life.
It's also a tough time of year as Santa is asked for things parents cannot afford, and we pine for parties and gatherings that were once in our past, but seem out of reach in the present. It's a time to feel a sense of loss for people no longer in our lives, and feel deeply saddened by failed relationships, missed opportunities and lack of disposable income to purchase whatever our hearts desire. For many, it's a season of disappointment, and we sink into being isolated, self-absorbed and discouraged.
From the time we draw our first breath to the moment we draw our last, we are acutely aware that life is not without disappointment. At a tender age we realize others can tie their own shoes, do better on tests, speak comfortably before the class and grasp the mystical world of math, English and science quicker, better and with a skill set we think we don't possess.
As we age, we may allow disappointment to discourage us and we sink into a cesspool of self-doubt, playing the blame game and finding fault as we stew and simmer in the stench of excuses. We point fingers at people or situations, blaming anyone and everything for our feelings of despair. We lack self-esteem to draw on our own strengths and talents because once discouraged we can become consumed that we want to be like anyone else, having what they possess and doing what we only long or dream about doing. Discouragement infects us with dis-ease as we lose the ability to live, love and laugh through life's journey.
It's okay to be disappointed. We would not be human if we didn't experience disappointments, however, it is said the only thing we can control in life are our attitudes, so we can take disappointments and learn from them before we allow disappointing situations to discourage us from experiencing peace and joy each day of our lives.
We must change the grid pattern in our minds for positive thoughts and realize we do have the courage it takes to overcome dis-courage-ment.
Perhaps your lists of New Year's resolutions don't come to fruition, so make a new list over the next few weeks before the magical hour of midnight strikes on January 1st, 2012. Review your disappointments throughout the past year, or even your lifetime, and renew your mind and your heart so you can shed the binding cast of discouragement and find true contentment and courage to live, love and laugh your way through 2012 and beyond.
In this season of miracles, may the Reason for the Season gift your heart with healing from discouragement.
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