Monday, August 13, 2012

The unthinkable happened again. . .in Colorado

How can we live, love and laugh when senseless violence interrupts our lives, kills our loved ones and creates a wound we feel will never heal?

Will the world forget when two students started killing, wounding and destroying the lives of those they knew and called friend, at Columbine High School on April 20, 1999? We better never forget. And how could we, when the unthinkable happened again on July 20th, 2012, less than 20 miles from Columbine High School. Lives were tragically taken, forever altered and our hearts are once again wounded.

When the world gathered to mourn, either in person, through television or via the Internet, the memorial service in Aurora, Colorado had the image of a heavenly host. . .an angel. We needed to know our hurt was heard, our grief was not in vein, and that possibly, vividly and with certainty those who were taken through death were in heaven . . . whole, healed and eternally living the promises we cling to. . .about heaven, about hope about healing.

The angel, be it a cloud formation or a gift from God's hand, became a real image, for us to look up, to have faith and not to lose hope. The image was seen by those who attended. . .and still serves as a reminder. . .perhaps for you.

We might think we are not capable of such violence, but yet we shake our fists in the faces of others in the name of our faith. Do people see love in your actions, words and deeds?

There are those who love to live in the limelight, but how do they live behind close doors? Albert Einstein said "Learn from yesterday, lie for today, hope for tomorrow." Winston Churchill claimed "We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give." Max Lucado gives the following words of inspiration, "We see a hearse; we think sorrow. We see a grave; we think despair. We hear of a death;we think of a loss. Not so in heaven. When heaven sees a breathless body, it sees the vacated cocoon and the liberated butterfly."

If only we shared our feelings of hatred, rejection, sorrow, fear and worries. . .if only others listened, helped, pointed us towards healing. If only. But the other thing we can control in our lives are our tongues. They poison, spew hatred, cause division and reveal our own selfish motives. Or our words can, if we think before we speak, sew seeds of hope, love and help. The substance of hate is hurt.

For many, feeling abandoned is removed once we find a source of acceptance, and that acceptance can be found through hateful channels of infamy.

Look up. Seek hope, healing and love. Don't reject pain when pain comes, but learn from it and move forward to find healing, to find joy, and through the journey you will find the return of your laughter, your desire to live and your capability to love.

Don't allow hate to win. Get help, be victorious and walk through your victimizing circumstances towards growth. . .and look up along the way. There just might be an angel watching, waiting and leading, guiding and telling you there is truth, there is hope and there is help. Don't isolate yourself in chaos by how you live, by what you think and how you treat others. Look up. . .call out for help. . .and actively seek the help you need to stop violencein the ways you speak, in how you live and by how you think. Look up:
batman shooting theater angel

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